Monday, January 12, 2009

First Post

I'm not really what you would call advanced with computers I guess, I know how to do the usual, but I am a fast learner. From today I have gathered that I think I'm going to like this class. It seems that if I can manage to keep track with my syllabus and be sure that I turn things in on time and show up to class that I will be successful in this class. It is slightly intimidating to think of using things like spreadsheets and databases, especially in the classroom. I don't think, however, that that will keep me from learning how. I usually don't enjoy computer related classes, mostly because I never felt a reason to use the information. I do feel differently about this one however, seeing as how the curriculum will be much more necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that you will be successfull. Keep up, and give it your best shot, and together we will both gain something from this course
